CYTsai's Discord Bots

I don't know how to design the website :(

For more informations, please go to my GitHub readme $help nm!help $help Use $help to see the help message.
Use $setchannel to set a channel. (ex. $setchannel #general)
Use $setlang to set a language. (ex. $setlang en-us)
Use $setvoice to set TTS platform. (ex. $setvoice Azure)
Use $say to speak in voice channel. (ex. $say ABCD)
Use $say_lang to speak in voice channel with another language. (ex. $say_lang en-us ABCD)
Use $stop to stop speaking.
Use $join to let me join to a voice channel.
Use $move to let me move to another voice channel.
Use $leave to let me leave the voice channel.
Use $ping to check my latency.
Use $invite to get the bot's invite link.
nm!help nm!help : 顯示此清單
nm!ping : 檢測ping值
nm!add : 新增食物
nm!show : 顯示食物清單
nm!lists : 顯示食物清單
nm!remove : 移除食物
nm!choose : 隨機選擇食物
nm!time : 設定時區(請以±12小時計算)